About eleanor bick
Eleanor Bick is a german illustrator and children's book author, currently residing in Hamburg,
Germany. Drawing ever since she was able to hold a pen, her love for nature and anything magic
and mystical has been inspiring her work all the way from childhood to the present day.
When she visited a concept art exhibition of the Animation Studio Pixar, Eleanor quickly realized that she wanted to pursue a career in art, especially with the main focus of storytelling.
On her way to pursue this dream, Eleanor attended the graphic design school "Alsterdamm" when
she turned 16 and graduated as best of her class in March 2016 with her own children's book.
In October 2017 she published her graduation project at Klaas Jarchow Media. Her first book
"Die geheime Welt der Gartendrachen" ("The secret world of gardendragons") captured the hearts of children, gardeners and parents alike, introducing them to an enchanted world where tiny dragons camouflage themselves as flowers in their garden and act as the secret protectors
of bees. Her Gardendragon-book series focuses on teaching kids about the environment
in a fun and engaging way, with mystical elements of hidden dragons woven into the narrative.
Eleanor continued to publish books until 2022, where she parted ways with her old publishing house. Since then she has been working freelance, taking commissions and funding her original projects via Patreon. Among other projects, she is determined to republish her Gardendragon books for a wider international audience and has been actively working on expanding and refining her original manuscripts, updating them with new scientific discoveries about our native bees and wildflowers.
An english translation of the first Gardendragon guidebook is currently in the works.
Online Eleanor is especially known for her Webcomic "El's Alolan Adventures", a Pokemon fancomic she has been illustrating on the side while working on her children's books since 2017. The comic has given her countless opportunities to grow as an artist, diving into storyboarding, animating and even gaining experience as a Director, when working with voice actors to create a dubbed version of her comics.
"My main drive is to move and inspire people with my art, sharing my passion for the things I love.
I want to write engaging stories that give people comfort, while potentially capturing their interest for nature and learning something new. Teaching the value of our native flora and fauna through exciting adventures, writing engaging character-driven stories, making people believe a bit in magic again - If I manage to spark just a bit of enchantment, then I managed to do my job :)"
Published works:
Die geheime Welt der Gartdendrachen - Children's Book, October 2017
Die geheime Welt der Gartendrachen: Buchkalender 2019 - Book calendar, April 2018
Die sieben Gartendrachen - und ihre Freunde die Wildbienen - Pocketbook, April 2019
Fio & Tika und die Rettung der Bienenkönigin - Kinderbuch, Mai 2020